miércoles, 31 de enero de 2018


OBJECTIVE Perform the transfer of the patient to another Hospital Unit in safe conditions And comfort, avoiding potential complications. Material - Bag for waste. - Patient History. - Transfer form. - Printed for Ambulance. - Printed to Kitchen and Pharmacy. - Bed material closed. - Oxygen therapy material, if need be. - Chemotherapy material, if necessary. Equipment - Dirty laundry cart. - Patient's appliances. - Bed set closed. - Oxygen therapy equipment, if need be. - Serotherapy equipment, if necessary. - Log book of the unit. - Wheelchair, stretcher, crib, incubator or bed according to the patient's condition. PROCESS 1. Communicate to the patient and family the transfer and causes of the same with sufficient Notice. 2. Make the transfer form to the Admission Service. 3. Take the ambulance form, if necessary. 4. Collect Clinical History and enter in the Nursing Registry the complementary tests Pending to make or receive results. 5. Evaluate the general condition of the patient, to choose the means of transport. 6. Check the good hygiene of the patient and bed. Check drains, Probes, sera, etc. If I had them. 7. The custodian will transfer the patient accompanied by the Nursing staff, According to optional prescription. 8. Submit Clinical History in the receiving Unit. 9. Fill in the registration book of the unit of origin. 10. Take down the kitchen slip and the single dose medication sheet (If any). 11. Verify the return of the means used to transfer the patient. 12. Pick up and clean the room. 13. Perform closed bed procedure. 14. Communicate to the Admission Service the availability of the bed. REFERENCE BIBLIOGRAPHY 1. Netzel, C. et al. Nursing protocols. Editions Doyma S.A..Barcelona.1988.Pág. Four. 2. Sorrentino, S.A .. Practical nursing. 3ª Ed. Editorial Mosby S.A .. Madrid. 1994. Page 331,332. 3. Knight Macheca, M. K .. Transfer of customers. In: Perry, A. G .; Potter, P.A .. Clinical Nursing: techniques and procedures. 4th Edition Editorial Harcourt Brace S.A..Madrid. 1999. Page 13-16. 4. Buchda, V .; Tryniszewski, C .. Nursing Procedures. Quick Guide to nurse. 1st Ed. Editorial Interamericana. Mexico DF. 1995. Pág. 7. 5. Jimenez Díaz Foundation. Manual of Basic Techniques and Procedures of Nursing. Madrid 1990. Page 12-15. 6. Esteban, A; Portero, M. P. Nursing Techniques.2ª Ed. Editions Role. Madrid. 1988. Page 11. 7. Nursing Department San Carlos University Hospital. Procedures manual Basic Nursing. Ministry of Health and Consumer Affairs. Madrid. 1991. Page 41. 8. Sastre, H. Manual of Pediatric Nursing Procedures. Children's Hospital Child Jesus. Madrid. 1991. Page 9.

1 comentario:

  1. Todavía no puedo creer que no sé por dónde empezar, mi nombre es Juan, tengo 36 años, me diagnosticaron herpes genital, perdí toda esperanza en la vida, pero como cualquier otra, todavía busqué un curar incluso en Internet y ahí es donde conocí al Dr. Ogala. No podía creerlo al principio, pero también mi conmoción después de la administración de sus medicamentos a base de hierbas. Estoy tan feliz de decir que ahora estoy curado. Necesito compartir este milagro. experiencia, así que les digo a todos los demás con enfermedades de herpes genital, por favor, para una vida mejor y un mejor entorno,, póngase en contacto con el Dr. Ogala por correo electrónico: ogalasolutiontemple@gmail.com, también puede llamar o WhatsApp +2348052394128
