martes, 10 de enero de 2017



Provide the patient with the necessary cleaning to keep the eyes clean and moist,

Preventing the onset of infections.


- Sterile single use gauze.

- Syringes of 10 cc. Sterile.

- Single-use non-sterile gloves.

- Records.

- Saline physiological saline.


- Bats.


1. Perform handwashing.

2. Prepare the material and move it to the side of the patient.

3. Inform the patient.

4. Preserving the patient's privacy.

5. Place the patient in supine position or Fowler.

6. Wear gloves.

7. Charge syringes with SSF.

8. Open the patient's eyelids with the fingers of one hand. With the other proceed

To the cleaning of the eye, instilling the SSF from the tear out (use

One sterile syringe for each eye).

9. Dry with a sterile gauze each eye.

10. Gently close the eyelids.

11. To leave the patient in a comfortable and adequate position allowing easy access to the

Bell and personal objects.

12. Collect the material.

13. Remove gloves.

14. Perform handwashing.

15. Record in Nursing records.


1. Netzel, C. et al. Nursing protocols. Editions Doyma


2. Buchda, V .; Tryniszewski, C .. Nursing Procedures. Quick Guide to

Nurse. Ed. Editorial Interamericana. Mexico D.F.1995.Pág. 205.

3. McConnell, E. A .. How to irrigate the eye. Rev. Nursing. January 1992. Page. 72.

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